Employment is defined as any service, function or constant charge paid, performed to support of the employee. In an employment there are relations between employee and employer that must be obeyed according to laws.
Employment informal modality that there is no link between employer and employee, that is, has no formal contract, then there is no collecting taxes and other benefits, so the informal worker is not protected by labor laws.
- Another example is the formal employment, one in which there is bond between employer and employee (unregistered), business is legalized (CNPJ), exists a collection of taxes and benefits of having, therefore, support the government's values as FGTS, INSS , Unemployment Insurance and others.
Define-se como emprego todo serviço, função ou cargo constante e remunerado, desempenhado para sustento do empregado. Em um emprego existem relações entre empregado e empregador que deve ser obedecida segundo leis.
Como exemplo de emprego, temos:
Vendedor ambulante, exemplo de emprego informal |
(CTPS) representa o trabalho formal |
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