quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Renewable Energy

Google has invested $168m in the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert. Photograph: Paul Sakuma/AP
Google's product portfolio has now expanded from search engine power to solar power.
The company has invested $168 million in a Mojave Desert facility that will become the world's largest solar power tower plant. The site is located on 3,600 acres of land in the Mojave Desert in southeastern California.
According to gizmag, "the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) will boast 173,000 heliostats that will concentrate the sun's rays onto a solar tower standing approximately 450 feet (137 m) tall."
Construction on this plant started in October 2010. When finished in 2013, the facility is expected to generate 392 MW of solar energy.
Solar power tower development, while less advanced than the more common trough systems, may offer higher efficiency and better energy storage capabilities. Parabolic trough systems consist of parabolic mirrors that concentrate sunlight onto a Dewar tube running the length of the mirror through which a heat transfer fluid runs that is then used to heat steam in a standard turbine.
Solar power tower systems such as the ISEGS on the other hand focus a large area of sunlight into a single solar receiver on top of a tower to produce steam at high pressure and temperatures of up to 550 ° C (over 1,000° F) to drive a standard turbine and generator. The ISEGS also uses a dry-cooling technology that reduces water consumption by 90 percent and uses 95 percent less water than competing solar thermal technologies. Water is also recirculated during energy before being reused to clean the plant's mirrors.
According to BrightSource Energy, the plant developer, this will be the first large-scale solar power tower plant built in the U.S. in nearly two decades and will single-handedly almost double the amount of commercial solar thermal electricity produced in the U.S. today and nearly equal the amount of total solar installed in the U.S. in 2009 alone.

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System

• A 370-megawatt nominal (392 megawatt gross) solar complex using mirrors to focus the power of the sun on solar receivers atop power towers.
• The electricity generated by all three plants is enough to serve more than 140,000 homes in California during the peak hours of the day.
• The complex will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 400,000 tons per year.
• Located in Ivanpah, approximately 50 miles northwest of Needles, California (about five miles from the California-Nevada border) on federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
• The complex is comprised of three separate plants to be built in phases between 2010 and 2013, and will use BrightSource Energy's LPT 550 technology

Music suggestion

FullMoon (Sonata Arctica)
Sitting on a corner all alone,
staring from the bottom of his soul,
watching the night come in from the window
It'll all collapse tonight, the fullmoon is here again
In sickness and in health, understanding so demanding
It has no name, there's one for every season
Makes him insane to know
Running away from it all
"I'll be safe in the cornfields", he thinks
Hunted by his own,
again he feels the moon rising on the sky
Find a barn which to sleep in, but can he hide anymore
Someone's at the door, understanding too demanding
Can this be wrong, it's love that is not ending
Makes him insane to know
She should not lock the open door
(Run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and He's not a man anymore
sees the change in him but can't
(Run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man
Swimming across the bay,
the night is gray, so calm today
She doesn't wanna wait.
"We've gotta make the love complete tonight..."
In the mist of the morning he cannot fight anymore
Hundred moons or more, he's been howling
Knock on the door, and scream that is soon ending
Mess on the floor again
She should not lock the open door
(Run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
She sees the changes in him but can't
(Run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man
She should not lock the open door
(Run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
sees the changes in him but can't
(Run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her darling man
She should not lock the open door
(Run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
See what became out of her man

Jokes in English

God and the man
A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" 
God says "No, ask me anything at all."
So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you, how long is a thousand years?"
God replies "For me, a thousand years is only five minutes."
The man then says "That's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?"
God replies "For me, a million dollars is only five cents."
The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?"
God looks at the man, smiles, and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!"

The old lady
A policeman stops an elderly lady on the road for speeding:

Lady: Is there a problem officer?
Policeman: Madam, you were driving too fast!
L: Oh, I see.
P: Can I see your driver's license?
L: Well, I don't have one.
P: You don't!?
L: Yeah, I lost it for drunk driving 3 years ago.
P: I see, and can you pass me your vehicle registration papers, please?
L: I can't do that.
P: Why not?
L: I stole this car.
P: You stole it?
L: Yes, and I killed the owner and cut him into pieces...
P: You what?
L: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.

The officer looks at the woman and goes back to his car. He calls other police cars for help and back up. Within minutes five police cars circle the woman's car.
A senior officer slowly approaches the car: 
"Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle, please?"
The woman steps out  of her vehicle. 

Lady: Is there a problem, sir?
Officer: One of my officers told me that you stole this car and murdered the owner.
L: Murderer the owner?
O: Yes could you please open the trunk of your car?
The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
O: Is this your car, ma'am?
L: Yes, here are the registration papers.
The officer is puzzled.
O: One of my officers says that you don't have a driver's license.
The woman opens her purse, takes the license and gives it to the officer. He examines the license. He can't understand what's happening.
O: Thank, you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered the owner and made pieces of him.
L: I bet the liar told you that I was speeding too.

Deforestation in the Amazon

Why is the Brazilian Amazon being Destroyed?

In many tropical countries, the majority of deforestation results from the actions of poor subsistence cultivators. However, in Brazil only about one-third of recent deforestation can be linked to "shifted" cultivators. Historically a large portion of deforestation in Brazil can be attributed to land clearing for pastureland by commercial and speculative interests, misguided government policies, inappropriate World Bank projects, and commercial exploitation of forest resources. For effective action it is imperative that these issues be addressed. Focusing solely on the promotion of sustainable use by local people would neglect the most important forces behind deforestation in Brazil.

Brazilian deforestation is strongly correlated to the economic health of the country: the decline in deforestation from 1988-1991 nicely matched the economic slowdown during the same period, while the rocketing rate of deforestation from 1993-1998 paralleled Brazil's period of rapid economic growth. During lean times, ranchers and developers do not have the cash to rapidly expand their pasturelands and operations, while the government lacks funds to sponsor highways and colonization programs and grant tax breaks and subsidies to forest exploiters.

A relatively small percentage of large landowners clear vast sections of the Amazon for cattle pastureland. Large tracts of forest are cleared and sometimes planted with African savanna grasses for cattle feeding. In many cases, especially during periods of high inflation, land is simply cleared for investment purposes. When pastureland prices exceed forest land prices (a condition made possible by tax incentives that favor pastureland over natural forest), forest clearing is a good hedge against inflation.

Such favorable taxation policies, combined with government subsidized agriculture and colonization programs, encourage the destruction of the Amazon. The practice of low taxes on income derived from agriculture and tax rates that favor pasture over forest overvalues agriculture and pastureland and makes it profitable to convert natural forest for these purposes when it normally would not be so. 

DEFORESTATION IN BRAZIL: 60-70 percent of deforestation in the Amazon results from cattle ranches while the rest mostly results from small-scale subsistence agriculture. Despite the widespread press attention, large-scale farming (i.e. soybeans) currently contributes relatively little to total deforestation in the Amazon. Most soybean cultivation takes place outside the rainforest in the neighboring cerrado grassland ecosystem and in areas that have already been cleared. Logging results in forest degradation but rarely direct deforestation. However, studies have showed a close correlation between logging and future clearing for settlement and farming.

A importancia da lígua inglesa no Brasil e no mundo

O inglês é a língua nativa de doze países: Austrália, Bahamas, Barbados, Canadá, Estados Unidos (incluindo Porto Rico), Granada,Guiana, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Jamaica, Nova Zelândia e Trinidad. Além desses,outros 11 países têm o inglês como única língua oficial: Botsuana, Fiji, Gâmbia, Gana, Libéria, Maurício, Nigéria,Rodésia, Serra Leoa, Uganda e Zâmbia, e 14 países têm o inglês como sua segunda língua oficial:Camarões, Índia, Lesoto, Malui, Malta, Mamibia, Nauru, Filipinas, Singapura, África do Sul, Suazilândia, Tanzânia, Tonga e Samoa Ocidental. Ainda, segundo a mesma fonte, há 5 países onde a língua inglesa possui algum status oficial, Kênia, Malásia,Paquistão, Sri Lanka e Sudão. Como observamos, dos países citados, a Etiópia não foi anteriormente uma colônia de fala inglesa, e sim colônia de fala italiana, concluindo-se que todos os países que usam a língua inglesa para algum fim oficial estão ou estiveram dependentes da hegemonia política ou econômica de potências falantes do inglês.
Segundo Kachru (1983:20), o número de falantes de inglês como língua estrangeira e segunda língua é de mais de 400 milhões e o número de falantes nativos é de quase 300 milhões, somando um total de 700 milhões de falantes em todo o mundo, superando o número de australianos (15,8 milhões), canadenses (25,4 milhões), britânicos (56,4 milhões), americanos (238,9 milhões), e neozelandeses (3,3 milhões). Segundo Berlitz (1988:304), em muitos países não-falantes do inglês – Dinamarca, Suécia, Holanda, Suíça, Índia, Paquistão, Malásia e outros países da Ásia e da África – mais de 10% da população fala inglês. Na Alemanha e em algumas partes do mundo de língua espanhola, o número de pessoas que falam inglês está se aproximando de 10% da população.
Há uma busca crescente para aprender inglês que está se espalhando como uma epidemia por todo o planeta. Essa língua sem fronteiras está nos mais de 10.000 jornais do mundo, em mais de 80% dos trabalhos científicos e no jargão de inúmeras profissões.
O ensino de inglês virou uma verdadeira febre em grandes centros como São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Belo Horizonte onde encontramos métodos cada vez mais eficientes e criativos. As razões em estudar o idioma vão desde fazer turismo, conseguir uma bolsa de estudo até assumir um cargo superior de uma empresa. Além de outras possibilidades como uma forma de ascensão social ou mesmo de aquisição cultural.
É comum haver publicações brasileiras com nomes americanos como: Interview, Executive News (revista da Varig), Boletim News (boletim informativo mensal do Fluminense Football Club do Rio de Janeiro) e a publicação de artigos em inglês em revistas editadas no Brasil pela comunidade científica.
Aprender a língua inglesa hoje é muito importante e necessário, não pode ser ignorada, pois ela está entre nós como um produto de alto valor e para conseguirmos aperfeiçoar qualquer atividade profissional, devemos saber falar inglês.
Por Edvan Salum Cardoso

Curiosidades sobre a língua inglesa

Há mais de 500 anos atrás não se falava inglês na América do Norte. Os índios americanos tinham seu próprio idioma, assim como os Inuit (Esquimós), os Aleuts no Canadá, os Aborígines na Austrália e os Maoris na Nova Zelândia.
Os Ingleses chegaram e estabeleceram suas colônias, depois outros povos vieram com seus costumes, seus idiomas e suas culturas. Os EUA têm a maior mistura de culturas do mundo, "Melting Pot", uma conhecida expressão americana. No início da colonização eram os ingleses, irlandeses, franceses, alemães e escandinavos. Depois vieram os italianos, Judeus, Chineses, Japoneses e Russos.
Os motivos que trouxeram os imigrantes à América do Norte foram, difícil condição econômica em seus países de origem, a corrida do ouro e mais tarde, a perseguição religiosa, como é o caso dos Judeus que deixaram a Rússia e outros países entre 1880 e 1910. E os mais recentes cidadãos americanos são os de língua espanhola, vindos do México, outros países da América Central e do Sul.
A língua Inglesa atual resulta de uma grande mistura destes e outros povos. Veja, por exemplo de onde vem algumas das palavras abaixo:

Exit, Circus, Video - LATIM 
Psychology, Telephone, Cinema - GREGO
Biscuit, Garage, Restaurant - FRANCÊS
Piano, Concerto, Spaghetti - ITALIANO
Hamburger, Kindergarten - ALEMÃO
Guitar, Tango, Banana - ESPANHOL 
Tomato, Potato, Tabacco - LÍNGUA NATIVA AMERICANA
Curry, Bungalow, Pyjamas INDIANO

English as a Second Language

A língua Inglesa é falada em mais de 60 países como um segundo idioma, considerado língua oficial ou governamental. Exemplo:
  • Índia, Paquistão, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
  • Malásia, Singapura, Filipinas, Papua Nova Guiné
  • África do Sul, Tanzânia, Uganda, Nigéria, Gana, Serra Leoa, Camarões, Zimbábue, Zâmbia, Quênia
  • Porto Rico e outros
Um país como a Nova Zelândia, a língua inglesa é a primeira língua. Na verdade, é a única língua para a maioria das pessoas. Aproximadamente 100.000 Maoris, têm seu próprio idioma, mas todos também falam inglês. Bem como a Austrália, Tasmânia, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Canadá, EUA, Jamaica, Trinidad e outros países do Caribe.

Diferenças entre os países

Hoje a língua inglesa, é quase a mesma em todo o mundo. É possível perceber a nacionalidade de uma pessoa pelo seu sotaque, um australiano, um canadense, um escocês ou um africano, mas as palavras são internacionais. Mas é interessante perceber as diferenças dentro do próprio inglês Britânico. Um Londrino pode entender o que um americano fala, facilmente, mas quase não consegue compreender o dialeto de um pessoa de Newcastle, no norte da Inglaterra.
Porém, mesmo falando o mesmo idioma em diferentes países, existem diferenças na escrita entre um país e outro.
Às vezes, uma letra a mais ou a menos... Veja algumas delas entre o inglês britânico (em vermelho) versus o inglês americano (em verde):

Catalogue - Catalog
Programme - Program
Litre - Liter
Theatre - Theater
Colour - Color
Neighbour  - Neighbor
Centre -  Center
Humour - 

... e às vezes uma palavra completamente diferente. Veja algumas delas:

Flat -  Apartment
Crisps/ chips - Potato cheps / French fries
Cinema - Movie theater
Film - Movie
Toilet - Bathroom
Holiday - Vacation
To phone - To call
Petrol - Gas
Sweets - Candy
Biscuit - Cookie
Queue - Line
Motorway -
Chemist - Drugstore
 - Truck

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011


The Brain
The brains of animals and humans is the part where he controls all functions of the body, its structure is divided into two sections called hemispheres and is divided into four lobes, the frontal lobe, serves on the behavior and personality, the parietal assigns sensations pain, the storm is responsible for interpreting the hearing, and occipital lobes are responsible for vision.
Brain are composed for cells called neurons that form connections each other called  synapses is through them that the information reaches the certain part of the brain. Another important factor is the distribution of blood in the brain, which is necessary for its oxygen and carbohydrates. Besides the cerebrospinal fluid with its function of protecting the brain against impacts. Making this is a perfect organ of animals and humans.